Municipal playgrounds are managed according to their location by:
- Village districts, the so-called ‘Sołectwa’ – village administrators
- Estates – presidents of the estates’ managements
- Schools, kindergartens – head teachers
At the playgrounds administrated by the Municipality of Ożarów Mazowiecki, the rules and regulations concerning these places can be found.
A municipal playground rules and regulations sample:
- Playground in Bronisze, Kwiatowa Street (Kindergarten).
- Playground in Duchnice, Duchnicka Street.
- Playground in Józefów, Fabryczna Street.
- Playground in Józefów, Kasztanowa Street.
- Playground in Płochocin Południowy, Długa Street.
- Playground in Józefów, Kasztanowa Street (Kindergarten).
- Playground in Konotopa, Rajdowa Street.
- Playground in Macierzysz, Sochaczewska Street (Kindergarten).
- Playground at the Mickiewicz Estate, Graniczna Street.
- Playground in Myszczyn, Zaborowska Street.
- Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Lipowa Street (Primary School No. 2).
- Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Szkolna Street (Skate Park).
- Playground at Zientarówka Estate, Poniatowskiego Street.
- Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Poznańska Street (Kondergarten No. 2).
- Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Szkolna Street (Public swimming pool).
- Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Szkolna Street (Primary School No. 1).
- Playground at the Franciszków Estate, Kolejowa Street.
- Playground at the former State-owned Farm Strzykuły, Sochaczewska Street.
- Playground in Pilaszków, Piękna Street.
- Playground in the village of Płochocin, Stołeczna Street.
- Playground in Northern Płochocin, Rynkowa Street.
- Playground in Płochocin, Lipowa Street (Primary School).
- Playground at the Szeliga Estate, Szeligowska Street.
- Playground at the Voluntary Fire Service in Święcice, Warszawska Street.
- Playground in Święcice, Poznańska Street (Primary School).
- Playground in Umiastów, Umiastowska Street.
- Playground in Umiastów, Umiastowska Street (Primary School).
- Playground at the Wolica Estate, Ogródkowa Street.
- Playground in Wolskie, Michałowska Street.
- Playground in Bronisze, Cisowa Street.
- Playground in Gołaszew, Wspólna Street.
- Playground in Koprki, Nizinna Street.
- Playground in Duchnice, Duchnicka Street (Primary School).
- Playground in Ołatarzów, Poznańska Street.
- Playground in Wolica, Rokicka Street.
- Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Ożarowska Street (Kindergarten No. 1).
- Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Mickiewicza Street (The Branch of Kindergarten No. 1).
- Playground at the Ołtarzew Estate, Parkowa Street (sports field of the Ołtarzew Students Sport Club).