
Municipal playgrounds are managed according to their location by:

  1. Village districts, the so-called ‘Sołectwa’ – village administrators
  2. Estates – presidents of the estates’ managements
  3. Schools, kindergartens – head teachers

At the playgrounds administrated by the Municipality of Ożarów Mazowiecki, the rules and regulations concerning these places can be found.

A municipal playground rules and regulations sample:

  1. Playground in Bronisze, Kwiatowa Street (Kindergarten).
  2. Playground in Duchnice, Duchnicka Street.
  3. Playground in Józefów, Fabryczna Street.
  4. Playground in Józefów, Kasztanowa Street.
  5. Playground in Płochocin Południowy, Długa Street.
  6. Playground in Józefów, Kasztanowa Street (Kindergarten).
  7. Playground in Konotopa, Rajdowa Street.
  8. Playground in Macierzysz, Sochaczewska Street (Kindergarten).
  9. Playground at the Mickiewicz Estate, Graniczna Street.
  10. Playground in Myszczyn, Zaborowska Street.
  11. Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Lipowa Street (Primary School No. 2).
  12. Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Szkolna Street (Skate Park).
  13. Playground at Zientarówka Estate, Poniatowskiego Street.
  14. Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Poznańska Street (Kondergarten No. 2).
  15. Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Szkolna Street (Public swimming pool).
  16. Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Szkolna Street (Primary School No. 1).
  17. Playground at the Franciszków Estate, Kolejowa Street.
  18. Playground at the former State-owned Farm Strzykuły, Sochaczewska Street.
  19. Playground in Pilaszków, Piękna Street.
  20. Playground in the village of Płochocin, Stołeczna Street.
  21. Playground in Northern Płochocin, Rynkowa Street.
  22. Playground in Płochocin, Lipowa Street (Primary School).
  23. Playground at the Szeliga Estate, Szeligowska Street.
  24. Playground at the Voluntary Fire Service in Święcice, Warszawska Street.
  25. Playground in Święcice, Poznańska Street (Primary School).
  26. Playground in Umiastów, Umiastowska Street.
  27. Playground in Umiastów, Umiastowska Street (Primary School).
  28. Playground at the Wolica Estate, Ogródkowa Street.
  29. Playground in Wolskie, Michałowska Street.
  30. Playground in Bronisze, Cisowa Street.
  31. Playground in Gołaszew, Wspólna Street.
  32. Playground in Koprki, Nizinna Street.
  33. Playground in Duchnice, Duchnicka Street (Primary School).
  34. Playground in Ołatarzów, Poznańska Street.
  35. Playground in Wolica, Rokicka Street.
  36. Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Ożarowska Street (Kindergarten No. 1).
  37. Playground in Ożarów Mazowiecki, Mickiewicza Street (The Branch of Kindergarten No. 1).
  38. Playground at the Ołtarzew Estate, Parkowa Street (sports field of the Ołtarzew Students Sport Club).